陶芸家 今井完眞:最近の作品
10 Dec, 2017
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We have interviewed ceramic artist Sadamasa Imai, who spoke with us about his recent artworks.

Masami Yoshioka個展
12 Aug, 2017
1 コメント
Masami Yoshioka’s solo exhibition was held at Steps Gallery in Ginza, Tokyo from July 19, 2017 to July 29, 2017. Here are images of his new artworks from the solo exhibition.

陶芸家 今井完眞:最近の制作について
19 Mar, 2017
0 コメント

Interview with Photographer Brooke Hammerle
24 Dec, 2016
0 コメント
We have interviewed the photographer Brooke Hammerle, who spoke with us about her works.

陶芸家 今井完眞:個展開催中
12 Nov, 2016
1 コメント

陶芸家 今井完眞: 最近の制作について
22 Aug, 2016
0 コメント

Masami Yoshioka 個展
18 Jul, 2016
0 コメント
Masami Yoshioka’s solo exhibition was held at Steps Gallery in Ginza, Tokyo from June 22, 2016 to July 2, 2016. A spectacular tape installation and new wooden panel works from his Secret Memory series were displayed. Here are images of his works from th

陶芸家 今井完眞: 穴窯を焚く
18 Jun, 2016
0 コメント

陶芸家 今井完眞:制作について
27 Apr, 2016
0 コメント

陶芸家 今井完眞:青磁の作品について
24 Feb, 2016
0 コメント

Masami Yoshioka: 最近の制作
09 Feb, 2016
0 コメント
We spoke with artist Masami Yoshioka regarding his recent works. He will be exhibiting a tape installation and 青wooden panel artworks from his “Secret Memory” series

陶芸家 今井完眞:最近の制作
04 Jan, 2016
0 コメント

Interview with Oleg Berezutskiy
16 Dec, 2015
0 コメント
We have interviewed the Russian painter Oleg Berezutskiy, who spoke to us about his recent artworks and goals.

陶芸家 今井完眞:最近の展示と制作
24 Nov, 2015
0 コメント

陶芸家 今井完眞: 石垣島でのモチーフ探し
09 Oct, 2015
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Interview with Craig Dandridge
26 Sep, 2015
0 コメント
We have interviewed the photographer Craig Dandridge, who spoke with us about his photography.

陶芸家 今井完眞:個展について
15 Aug, 2015
0 コメント

Perfect Summer Print by Valerie Syposz
01 Aug, 2015
0 コメント
“What could be more representative of summer than love and ice cream? For me, these things make up the heart of summer, so I decided to combine them in my recent wood engraving ‘The Real Deal’. Wood engraving is a kind of relief printmaking, where you car

Installation Art - 吉岡まさみ
18 Jul, 2015
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Artist Masami Yoshioka recently participated in an exhibition in Belgrade, Serbia. Images above and below are from the exhibition held at the Gallery of Radio Television of Serbia from May 30, 2015 to June 19, 2015.

陶芸家 今井完眞:最近の作品制作について
03 Jul, 2015
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Some Sequences of a Vague Fear
20 Jun, 2015
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Sequences of a Vague Fear 01, 2015, by Ahmet ÖzcanAhmet Özcan’s new series, “Some Sequences of a Vague Fear”, is his latest conceptual series about fear and monsters. For Özcan, fear incites the imagination and inspires his most

Review: colored bar 2015 吉岡まさみ展
23 May, 2015
0 コメント
Masami Yoshioka’s solo exhibition “colored bar 2015 Masami Yoshioka” was held at Steps Gallery in Ginza, Tokyo. Each of the colored bars was carefully displayed as an individual artwork and at the same time, they were brilliantly exhibited on each of the

陶芸家 今井完眞:陶器という素材へのこだわり
16 May, 2015
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Interview with Rupert Piggott
02 May, 2015
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We have interviewed the Barbadian artist Rupert Piggott, who spoke with us about his artworks and goals

Valerie Syposz バレリー•サイポーズ展 -Cravings-
18 Apr, 2015
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Valerie Syposz’s solo exhibition will be held at Shirota Gallery in Tokyo from Monday, April 20, 2015 to Saturday, May 2, 2015. Valerie describes her thoughts on this upcoming exhibition as follows.

colored bar 2015 吉岡まさみ展
13 Apr, 2015
0 コメント
2015年4月13日(月)から4月25日(土)まで、銀座のSteps Galleryで開催される「colored bar 2015 吉岡まさみ展 」。アーティストの吉岡まさみさんから、カラード・バーとは何かについて、以下のとおり、ステートメントをいただきました。

Interview with Oleg Berezutskiy
13 Apr, 2015
3 コメント
We have interviewed the Russian painter Oleg Berezutskiy, who spoke to us about his artworks and general artistic practice

Interview with José Antonio Sorolla Gallén
13 Apr, 2015
0 コメント
We have interviewed the Spanish painterJosé Antonio Sorolla Gallén, who spoke to us about his current thoughts and his general artistic practice
Interview with Photographer Craig Dandridge