• English
Fascinating Artworks by Dorian Rex
Here are some fascinating artworks by Italian digital artist Dorian Rex. Her artworks brilliantly combine the unique features of ancient art and the digital features of contemporary art. Each of Dorian’s photo manipulations is one-of-a-kind with no copies
Film 2903 by Wojciech Tubaja
“2903”, a new film by video artist Wojciech Tubaja, was filmed in Tokyo. Here are the two trailers for 2903. ビデオアーティスト、ヴォイチェフ•ツバージャの新作「2903」が東京で撮影されました。以下2つのビデオが予告編です。
Valerie Syposz バレリー•サイポーズ展 -Cravings-
Valerie Syposz’s solo exhibition will be held at Shirota Gallery in Tokyo from Monday, April 20, 2015 to Saturday, May 2, 2015. Valerie describes her thoughts on this upcoming exhibition as follows.
陶芸家 今井完眞 
colored bar 2015 吉岡まさみ展
2015年4月13日(月)から4月25日(土)まで、銀座のSteps Galleryで開催される「colored bar 2015 吉岡まさみ展 」。アーティストの吉岡まさみさんから、カラード・バーとは何かについて、以下のとおり、ステートメントをいただきました。
Interview with Oleg Berezutskiy
We have interviewed the Russian painter Oleg Berezutskiy, who spoke to us about his artworks and general artistic practice
Interview with José Antonio Sorolla Gallén
We have interviewed the Spanish painterJosé Antonio Sorolla Gallén, who spoke to us about his current thoughts and his general artistic practice