Brooke Hammerle
Crashed Can, 2022, Photograph
H38 x W57cm (H15 x W22.5 inches) ¥138,000
Brooke Hammerle is a well established U.S. based photographer residing in Providence, Rhode Island. Her works are in private and corporate collections in the US and the UK and represented at:
Boston Art, Boston, U.S. (2010-present)
Cade Thompkins, Providence, Rhode Island (2018-2019)
Art Seen, inc., Washington, D.C. (2005-2008)
International Art Consultants, London, U.K. (2000-2014)
Art Acumen, London, U.K. (2020-present)
We would like to introduce her two recent series “Gutter Funnies” and “Water Music”.
Gutter Funnies series (image above and five images below)
Gutter Storm, 2022, Photograph
H38 x W57cm (H15 x W22.5 inches) ¥138,000
“During the limited travel of the pandemic lockdown I decided to photograph in the streets of my neighborhood. My subject was trash, the proliferation of discarded plastic bottles, cans, gloves, masks, oil slicks, and other general detritus in the gutters. These discarded items once serving a purpose were now abandoned, transformed in the landscape through the process of destruction, decay, and oblivion. I was initially depressed and the weather of overcast and rainy days intensified these feelings. But it also created a sense of timelessness, a suspension of reality that inspired my imagination. As I photographed I found humor and irony in their ugliness, mortality and beauty in small things.” --- Brooke Hammerle artist statement for Gutter Funnies series.
Heavy Metals, 2022, Photograph
H38 x W57cm (H15 x W22.5 inches) ¥138,000
Milky Way, 2022, Photograph
H38 x W57cm (H15 x W22.5 inches) ¥138,000
Red Leaves Ascending, 2022, Photograph
H38 x W57cm (H15 x W22.5 inches) ¥138,000
Street Stillife, 2022, Photograph
H38 x W57cm (H15 x W22.5 inches) ¥138,000
Water Music series
“In this body of work I am searching for patterns in natural phenomenon where a process becomes an image of visual poetry. The continuous repetition of flowing water, breaking over the successive bowls against the backlighting of the sun creates a sight and sound of something beyond itself, a sensation similar to music which I have titled “Water Music”.” --- Brooke Hammerle artist statement for Water Music series.
Water Music 1, 2015, Photograph
H38 x W57cm (H15 x W22.5 inches) ¥138,000
Water Music 2, 2015, Photograph
H38 x W57cm (H15 x W22.5 inches) ¥138,000
Water Music 3, 2015, Photograph
H38 x W57cm (H15 x W22.5 inches) ¥138,000