Interview with Craig Dandridge
*Image above: “A Quiet Place″ by Craig Dandridge.
* クレイグ・ダンドリッジの「A Quiet Place」(上記画像)
We have interviewed the photographer Craig Dandridge, who spoke with us about his recent works. His works can be seen at:
Q: Last time we spoke with you, you mentioned that you enjoyed shooting more images including people. Has that tendency changed?
A: Since we last spoke, I would say that the ratio of my images is about 85% people to 15% landscapes (mostly urban landscapes, but a few gardens as well) and objects. I’m still thinking about deeper, more meaningful ways to capture the human form, and the use of reflection has, quite naturally, resurfaced in my works.
Q: Do you have any places you would like to visit for your photo shoots or specific images you would like to shoot this year, and if so, why?
A: Over the last year, I have been actively building online relationships with models, photographers and other artists in Taiwan and China in particular. I’m hoping to travel to Hong Kong and Taipei to shoot sometime soon. I am particularly interested in shooting under the neon lights of Hong Kong before they are completely replaced by LED lighting.
Q: How do you think your interpretation of photography has changed since the past year?
A: I think I’ve spent more time simply observing people around me this past year than I have in years. I think having spent about a month in California this year has inspired me to think a little more about how a place affects people, and people affect a place.
I’ve started to look more carefully for people and postures that seem to both capture a place and express that place as well. When it comes to people, simple examples of this idea might be fashion and hairstyles.
Q: What would you like the viewers to feel or absorb when they see your artworks?
A: As I’ve come to incorporate more human forms into my imagery, I hope people will be inspired to think about our sense of place in this modern world as expressed through posture and even physical proximity between people.
From fashion to smartphones, manmade “things” are changing the shape of our world as well as the ways we perceive our world. As they look at my images, I hope people will think about what their own perceptions might mean, about their own existence and what they value in life.
*Image above: “Evening Fall″ by Craig Dandridge. * クレイグ・ダンドリッジの「Evening Fall」(上記画像)
Q: 前回お話しをお伺いしたとき、人物などのイメージを撮影するのが楽しいとおっしゃっていましたが、その傾向は変わっていませんか。
A: 前回お話ししてから、撮影しているのは人物が85%で、風景(主に都市の風景ですが、庭も撮影します)と物体が15%です。人間の形を更に奥深く有意義に捉える方法をまだ考え中で、その過程においてリフレクション(反射)が自然と作品に再浮上してきたのです。
Q: 今年ぜひ撮影で訪れたい場所や撮影したい特定のイメージはありますか。またそれはなぜですか。
A: 私は昨年から、特に台湾と中国のモデル、写真家や他のアーティストの方々とのオンラインの関係を構築しています。近々香港と台北へ撮影に訪れたいと願っています。特に、LEDに完全に差し替えられてしまう前に香港のネオンの下で撮影したいと思っています。
Q: 昨年と比べ、写真に対するご自分の解釈がどのように変化してきたと思いますか。
A: 以前と比べ、昨年はもっと周りの人たちを単純に観察する時間を持ってきたと思います。今年は1ヶ月カリフォルニアに滞在したことで、場所が人にどのように影響を及ぼすのか、また人がどのように場所に影響を及ぼすのかをもっと考えるようになってきたと思います。
Q: クレイグさんの作品を見た方には、何をどのように感じてほしいと思いますか。
A: 撮影するイメージに、人の形を更に反映させてきているので、 人の姿勢や、人との物理的近さを通して表現される現代の世の中における「場所」という観念について、更に考えるきっかけとなってくれればいいと思います。

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Japan, Tokyo, 東京, 日本, photographs, 写真, 写真家, photographer, Craig Dandridge, reflections, photography, American, クレイグ・ダンドリッジ, 反射, リフレクション, アメリカ人