Rupert Piggott’s new series, “POLYCHROMATIC VISIONS”, aims to explore the use of color and not use representational elements to create compositions. Following are several exquisite artworks from this series.
ルパート・ピゴットの新しいシリーズ“POLYCHROMATIC VISIONS”は、色彩を思う存分使った抽象美術の見事な作品シリーズです。このシリーズからの作品をいくつか以下のとおり、ご紹介します。
Images above and below: “P.V., Non-ID-000369” (including images of materials used for this artwork), 2015, by Rupert Piggott
Acrylic paint ‘chips’ were used for this artwork. In the process of completing artworks, Rupert is often left with unused paint. This dried paint was collected from his palette, combined into cubes with resin, and mounted on a wooden panel with a final coat of resin.
Image below: “P.V., Non-ID-000639”, 2015, by Rupert Piggott
These panels, each painted individually and coated with resin, can be displayed with different spacing arrangements, which change the feel of them collectively, and the space between each panel becomes part of the composition. They can also be hung horizontally, and can also be shuffled around, creating entirely different compositions. The panels are 5 inches x 72 inches and can be produced in a variety of sizes.
Rupert Piggott’s works can be seen at: https://mizenka.com/en/artist/Rupert-Piggott
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Painting, 絵画, アーティスト, artist, Barbados, Barbadian, Rupert Piggott, ルパート•ピゴット, バルバドス, バルバドス人, POLYCHROMATIC VISIONS, resin, 樹脂