Film 2903 by Wojciech Tubaja
“2903”, a new film by video artist Wojciech Tubaja, was filmed in Tokyo. Here are the two trailers for 2903.
Wojciech describes 2903 as “a film about emotions. What are emotions? Are they a response to our lives, the world or other people? Are emotions in the modern world real? Can we experience them deeply?”
Image: Wojciech Tubaja, ‘2903′, film still, 2015
“The way people respond to emotions is different in Poland than in Japan. The world of “2903” is the world created anew. It is a futuristic vision. It is all about emptiness and lonesomeness. Just as Roland Barthes’s European perspective brought him to Japan because the place was freed from the burden of meanings, was incomprehensible and unattainable; I find Tokyo to be the best scenery to narrate about emotions which are not to be read or understood but only to be simply lived through. The actors are Japanese; I’m European. We come from different cultures. We all met in the world of 2903 and we had to create our emotional ambience anew.”
“I wish that the person who watches the movie believes the characters, their reactions but also questions the authenticity of emotions experienced by them.”
Wojciech Tubaja
*Wojciech Tubaja’s works can be seen at
Image: Wojciech Tubaja, ‘2903′, film still, 2015
Image: Wojciech Tubaja, ‘2903′, film still, 2015
*ヴォイチェフ•ツバージャの作品は でご高覧いただけます。

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Film, 2903, 映画, Polish, Poland, ポーランド, ポーランド人, video artist, ビデオアーティスト, Wojciech Tubaja, ヴォイチェフ•ツバージャ