陶芸家 今井完眞さんへのインタビュー Interview with ceramic artist Sadamasa Imai
We have interviewed ceramic artist Sadamasa Imai who spoke with us about future goals and creating his artworks. His artworks can be viewed at:
Sadamasa Imai, “Napoleon Fish” and “Fugu”.
Your artworks have become collections of museums, you hold solo exhibitions regularly, your works are published in prominent newspapers and magazines and you are very successful in various fields. What are your goals for the future?
Yes, thank you. My artwork "Napoleon Fish" was acquired by and is a collection at the Minneapolis Institute of Art in the U.S. This is my second artwork that became a collection of a museum after my artwork "Coelacanth" became a collection of the Ibaraki Ceramic Art Museum several years ago. I have been blessed with many opportunities and after graduating from the graduate school of Tokyo University of the Arts in 2015, I have been holding solo exhibitions every year. Newspapers and art-related magazines frequently feature my artworks as well. When I entered college there was an interview with my art school and I remember being asked what my goal was at that time and responding "to become independent as an artist". Fortunately, I was able to establish my own art studio in 2019 so I was able to fulfill my dream from my college freshman days. It is very difficult to set my next goal but one of my next goals is to reduce as much as possible the number of artworks I produce in a year and make each artwork a large-scale artwork that takes time to complete. As an artist, I cannot make a living without selling my artworks so I need to create many artworks in a price range that is relatively easy for customers to purchase. However, because of that, it is becoming very difficult to find the time to produce large-scale artworks. I have been increasing the announced price of my artworks little by little every year and the number of artworks I produce each year is on a downward trend. I do not know when I will be able to achieve this but my dream is to be able to create only two or three large works a year and not have to worry about money even if I am not wealthy.
《ナポレオンフィッシュ》2023年 陶器
Napoleon Fish, 2023, Ceramic
H44cm × W26cm × D97cm (H17.3 × W10.2 × D38.2 inches)
What triggers you to concentrate on creating your artworks?
I do not concentrate much when I am creating my artworks. My concentration does not last very long so when I create artworks, I work with the level of concentration as if I were jogging. The only time I really concentrate as if I were running at full speed is when I am creating a shape that is about to fall due to gravity or when I am completing an artwork.
《蟹- 群れ》2024年 陶器
Crab Herd, 2024, Ceramic
H45.4cm × W39cm × D37.5cm (H17.9 × W15.4 × D14.8 inches)
《海亀》2024年 陶器
Sea Turtle, 2024, Ceramic
W22cm×D25cm×H15cm (W8.7×D9.8×H6 inches)
《蟹》2024年 陶器
Crab, 2024, Ceramic
H9cm × W35cm × D14cm (H3.5 × W13.8 × D5.5 inches)
How much time do you spend creating each artwork?
I am often asked this question but it is very difficult to answer. I respond that it takes about one month for a small artwork and about three months for a large artwork because artworks are being created simultaneously or I have to wait for the artworks to dry. Please consider this as a rough estimate.
《ミルフィオリ蛸》2024年 陶器
Millefiori Octopus, 2024, Ceramic
H15cm × W32cm × D36cm (H5.9 × W12.6 × D14.2 inches)
What do you most want to express or convey to viewers through your artworks?
Ceramic art has a long history of more than 7,000 years but most of those techniques have been used to make vessels. If you master the techniques of ceramics, which have been created over a long period of time, I believe you can make anything. Ceramics enables shapes to shrink and change with the flame of the kiln and is suitable for making natural objects. I would like to express the “character” of the motifs of my artworks while working well with the physiological phenomena of ceramics.
《蟹》2020年 陶器
Crab, 2020, Ceramic
W16cm × D15cm × H16.8cm (W6.3 × D5.9 × H6.6 inches)
《Tasmanian giant crab》2018年 陶器
Tasmanian giant crab, 2018, Ceramic
W51cm × D43cm × H27cm (W20 × D17 × H2.4 inches)

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陶芸家 今井完眞さんへのインタビュー Interview with ceramic artist Sadamasa Imai