• 日本語

Interview with Craig Dandridge

Tokyo Rain I

*Image above: “Tokyo Rain I″ by Craig Dandridge.
* クレイグ・ダンドリッジの「Tokyo Rain I」(上記画像)

We have interviewed the photographer Craig Dandridge, who spoke with us about his photography. His works can be seen at: https://mizenka.com/en/artist/Craig-Dandridge


Can you tell us what type of photographs you are taking lately?

In the greatest departure from my previous work, I’m shooting more images including people these days. It’s really a return to my roots, as I began my professional career shooting musicians and other artists. However, I’m also trying to find completely new ways to express my feelings.

Where do you like to visit for your photo shoots, and what time of the day do you like to take your photographs?

The streets of Shinjuku are definitely my favorite place to shoot, especially Kabukicho. I moved just to be closer to these places. I often stay out shooting into the wee hours of the morning, then walk home.

Now that the weather has cooled down, how does that affect your photo shoots? 

My gear is pretty heavy, so I can’t say the extreme heat this summer did not affect me (and my gear), however, I generally prefer shooting very early in the morning, or in the early evening, or at night. Those times are generally the coolest parts of the day, even on the hottest days.

Monday Morning II

*Image above: “Monday Morning II″ by Craig Dandridge.

Are there any season specific photographs you like to take, and if so, what are they?

I really like shooting in the rain, again, especially at night. Luckily for me, it pretty much rains all year round in Tokyo.

Now that I’m shooting more images of people, fall and winter are really excellent for me. People tend to dress up more in the cooler weather, so these months offer a more varied, and ultimately more interesting tapestry.

Anticipating a harsher winter this year, I’m looking forward to shooting during snowfalls this year.

Will “reflections” always be a part of your photographs, and if so, why?

Yes. I don’t think I’ll ever get over my fascination with reflections. After training myself to look for them for so long, I now see them everywhere.

What fascinates you about photography the most?

The challenge of translating images that initially exists only in my mind into physical “things” that almost anyone can understand offers endless joy. And learning to tell more and more poignant stories through single images is a lifelong pursuit.

Do you have a message to our readers?

If you’re reading this article, then you’re most likely already an art lover. So thank you for making art part of your life.


最近大きく変わったこととしては、被写体が人物等のイメージになってきた点です。そもそも私は写真家としてのキャリアを始めた頃、ミュージシャンや他のアーティストを撮影していたので、 原点に戻ったとも言えます。とはいえ、自分の感情を表現できる全く新しい方法も同時に模索しています。





Her Tokyo IV

* 上記画像: クレイグ・ダンドリッジの「Her Tokyo IV」






初めは自分の頭の中にしか存在しないイメージを、誰でも理解できるような物理的なものに発展させていくチャレンジは、私に大いなる喜びを与えてくれます。 また、一つのイメージを通して心に強く刻まれるより多くのストーリーを語ることを学んでいるのは、私にとって人生の課題でもあります。




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Japan, Tokyo, 東京, 日本, photographs, 写真, 写真家, photographer, Craig Dandridge, reflections, photography, American, クレイグ・ダンドリッジ, 反射, リフレクション, アメリカ人