Interview with José Antonio Sorolla Gallén
*Image below: “Panama hat” by José Antonio Sorolla Gallén.
We have interviewed the Spanish painterJosé Antonio Sorolla Gallén, who spoke to us about his current thoughts and his general artistic practice. His works can be seen at:
How do you like to work?
Normally, I work in my studio, which is on the ground floor of my house. It’s the place where I work practically all year. But in the summer, I also like working outdoors, in the terrace. It’s very nice working with natural light, without electric lights; and in the hottest days, it’s very pleasantly cool.
I don’t have a favorite time to paint, but I usually always paint by the afternoon, and until 9:30 PM.
*Image: Photo of José Antonio Sorolla Gallén’s studio.
Where do you think your inspiration comes from?
About the inspiration, I believe more in the constancy in work than inspiration. If the artist works regularly, it is easier for inspiration to come.
Other times a visual inspiration can strongly seize me. For example I remember how I was captured (especially by the color) when I saw the lifeguards on the beach, with flags waving in the wind (the “Flags” series was born here).
My favorite beach is Benicàssim, perhaps because I visited there for many years.
Also, normally, I like to have the opinion of my family. I always ask them. I’m very critical with my work and I’m always doubting.
*Image: Photo of José Antonio Sorolla Gallén’s studio.
Where would you say you are currently, and what are your goals for the year 2015?
I think that 2014 has been a very positive year for my art. Due to my type of paint, I don’t make too many paintings a year. I’m finishing some works from my current series, some of which I had begun a year ago. I want to return to the landscape, but in large formats (I think these works can become somewhat special landscapes.) For 2015, I want to work at my best, quietly, unhurried.
Do you have a message to our readers?
I would be very glad if my work appeals to people. After finishing the paintings, if they connect with people, it would be perfect.

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Japan, Art, Painting, Spanish, oil painting, beach, 日本, アート, スペイン人, スペイン, 絵画, 油絵, ビーチ, アーティスト, artist, Spain, José Antonio Sorolla Gallén, ホセ・アントニオ・ソローヤ・ガーエン